Key Takeaways
Fortnite enthusiasts have taken to sharing memes about the game’s latest cosmetic offering, the Kicks, signifying their worries about what’s on the horizon. Over recent years, the developers have been diligently crafting new ways to keep the game fresh while maintaining a steady stream of new content. Beyond the usual Skins and Jam Tracks, Kicks are now a part of the shopping experience in Fortnite—and possibly just the tip of the iceberg signaling more forthcoming items.
With so many new items flooding the game’s shop, Fortnite has modified the V-Bucks earnings system, much to some players’ chagrin. Earlier in 2023, obtaining V-Bucks became more challenging, and prices were bumped up in several regions, alongside other adjustments. Players believe these changes have led to an overall rise in prices while decreasing the value they get. For many, Kicks represent just one more instance of this ongoing concern.
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A user by the name of THE-IMPOSSIBLEreddit added a meme on the FortniteBR subreddit that captures the mounting worries among Fortnite players about the game’s pricing, forecasting what new cosmetics might mean for the game’s future. This meme cheekily forecasts a scenario five years down the line where various character clothing items, like gloves or hats, range from 850 to 2,000 V-Bucks each. This shared sentiment hints at a rising concern that developers might keep upping prices for all in-game content by adding more clothing pieces.
Fortnite Players Worry Kicks Are the Start of an Expensive Future
Despite the excitement among some players for the shiny new equipable cosmetics in Fortnite, there’s a gnawing fear about the potential future costs they might bring. Gamers have been enjoying Fortnite’s plethora of skins, emotes, vehicles, and other cool items. The Kicks, priced between 600 and 1,000 V-Bucks, have ignited speculation that forthcoming, more recognizable virtual attire might just climb even higher in cost.
The game boasts an extensive selection of captivating skins, each with unique designs and varying levels of rarity. Although these skins come with different price tags, the player base seems to have accepted that a distinctive look can command a premium. However, echoing sentiments from the memes shared, many feel that while Kicks are pricey, they don’t offer enough to justify the cost. Until some changes occur, players seem less thrilled about future cosmetic additions.