Samsung recently pulled back the curtain on its new Android XR headset, though they’re keeping many of the juicy details under wraps. However, they did throw two bones our way that should pique the interest of VR fans and developers alike.
Dubbed ‘Project Moohan,’ this headset is slated to be the pioneer in shipping with Android XR come next year. During my exclusive hands-on session, I navigated around using hand-tracking and eye-tracking inputs. Yet, Samsung revealed they’re also crafting their own brand of motion controllers that will seamlessly integrate with Android XR.
This little nugget of info carries weight because it opens the door for a smooth transition of countless existing VR apps that rely heavily on motion controllers. In contrast, Apple’s Vision Pro doesn’t accommodate such controllers, effectively blocking the easy adaptation of the most popular VR content onto their XR platform.
As for those elusive Project Moohan controllers, Samsung is playing its cards close to the chest. They’ve committed to having them ready when the headset launches in 2025, though it’s anyone’s guess whether they’ll come bundled with the headset or be sold separately.
Now, on to some more good news for VR aficionados: Samsung and Google have confirmed that Android XR will feature some form of PC VR streaming on Project Moohan and any headsets that follow. This spells good news for users eager to stream VR content from their gaming PCs directly to their headsets, tapping into the vast SteamVR library—where upgraded graphics and expansive modding are part of the appeal.
While there’s confirmation on this front, the specifics are still murky. It’s uncertain if Android XR will come equipped with a native PC VR streaming function like Quest, or if Google simply plans on welcoming third-party apps to do the heavy lifting.
Currently, all signs point to the latter. A well-known app in the world of PC VR streaming, Virtual Desktop, is already confirmed to be in the works for Android XR.
For anyone thirsting for more insights on Android XR, I’d recommend looking into the detailed announcement article and our firsthand impressions of Samsung’s headset.