About a year back, I embarked on crafting episodes of 3rd Party 64 focusing on various Army Men games that launched on the Nintendo 64. It was around this same period that The Video Game History Foundation shared a holiday-themed ad for Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes, a game I was delving into.
This sparked an intriguing discussion with Frank Cifaldi, the director at VGHF, about a trove of materials they recently acquired from Michael Mendheim, the brain behind the Sarge’s Heroes series. By the time our conversation wrapped up, my inbox was brimming with documents about the Army Men series’ development, which broadened my project’s horizon. By late summer 2024, Frank invited me to join an upcoming episode of The Video Game History Hour to speak with Mendheim about his creations, offering even deeper insights.
This particular installment of 3rd Party 64 showcases snippets from that interview along with findings drawn from the documents shared by The Video Game History Foundation. I wouldn’t have been able to explore these games as thoroughly without their invaluable contributions.
And there’s more to share!
As I delved deeper, it became clear that I was uncovering more about Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes than I could fit into one video. So, we decided to create an additional video highlighting what I found to be the nine most intriguing, previously undocumented tidbits unearthed during this research. You can catch this video on The Video Game History Foundation’s YouTube channel.
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