OneXPlayer recently stirred excitement in the gaming community by releasing a teaser video on YouTube for their upcoming handheld device, the Onexfly F1 Pro. This sleek gadget packs AMD’s powerful Ryzen AI 9 HX 370, part of the innovative Ryzen AI 300 series (codenamed Strix Point). This 7-inch handheld, named the Onexfly F1 Pro, was demonstrated running a well-known game, Black Myth: Wukong, at a smooth frame rate of 50 to 60 FPS.
This device claims to be cutting-edge, sporting a state-of-the-art 7-inch OLED display that supports HDR and delivers a refresh rate of 144 Hz. Weighing in at just 598 grams, it also promises an immersive audio experience with Harman Kardon speakers. The star of the show is undoubtedly the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 CPU, boasting four Zen 5 cores alongside eight Zen 5c cores, and an impressive Radeon 890M integrated GPU equipped with 16 compute units based on the RDNA 3.5 architecture. With these specifications, the OneXFly F1 Pro is set to rival heavyweights like the Steam Deck OLED, ROG Ally X, and Lenovo’s Legion Go.
During their preview, OneXPlayer ran the Black Myth: Wukong benchmark at 1080p and low quality settings, with 65% upscaling, resulting in an effective internal resolution of 1248 x 702. The handheld, powered by the AI 9 HX 370, achieved an impressive average framerate of 58 FPS, all while limiting power consumption to a mere 15W.
The Onexfly F1 Pro marks an exciting milestone for OneXPlayer, being their first device to marry an OLED display with AMD’s cutting-edge Zen 5-based mobile CPUs. Prior models utilized previous-generation Intel or AMD processors and lacked OLED displays. Furthermore, it’s poised to be one of the first Zen 5-powered handhelds available, with the GPT Pocket 4 being its sole competitor showcasing the Ryzen AI HX 370.
When compared to the GPT Pocket 4, the F1 Pro stands out as a dedicated handheld device, featuring the customary grips and controls, whereas the Pocket 4 is more of a hybrid 2-in-1, equipped with a keyboard and a screen that swivels around 180 degrees.
The benchmarks from OneXPlayer clearly illustrate how the AI 9 HX 370 is perfectly tailored for handheld gaming, capable of handling demanding AAA titles even under a conservative 15W TDP to stretch battery longevity. While AMD is yet to roll out its next-gen handheld-centric Z-series CPUs, manufacturers like OneXPlayer are embracing AMD’s laptop-focused Ryzen AI 300 series processors for their handhelds.