Poland’s 11 Bit Studios has recently let go of an unspecified number of employees. On their website, the company announced the cancellation of Project 8, which was intended to be their inaugural console-centric game. The development of Project 8 started in 2018, and by 2024, it had 37 employees dedicated to its progress.
Up to this point, 11 Bit Studios has invested PLN 48.4 million, approximately $11.8 million, into the game. The decision to cancel came after a thorough review of the project’s viability. Project 8 faced numerous challenges along the way, including interruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
PrzemysĹ‚aw MarszaĹ‚, the company’s president, shared some insights: “Our aspiration for Project 8 was ambitious and captivating, specifically tailored for console gamers. However, it was rooted in a different era of market dynamics, where narrative-rich games were more enticing.”
MarszaĹ‚ further elaborated, “When we evaluate a project, we consider its development stage, internal assessments, and feedback from independent surveys. Market trends, along with the game’s potential sales and marketing prospects, also factor into our decision. Unfortunately, our analysis in this instance uncovered several unresolved problems necessitating extended timelines and increased budgets to resolve. In addition, revised sales forecasts, influenced by the shifting market landscape, cast significant doubt on the project’s potential profitability.”