Somnium, a startup hailing from the Czech Republic, initially made its mark with the social VR platform known as Somnium Space. However, in late 2021, they ventured into new territory by announcing the Somnium VR1 headset, boasting impressive specifications for its time. This move was made in collaboration with VRgineers, renowned for their ultra-high-end XTAL headsets designed for enterprise use. Originally envisioned as a hybrid device with standalone capabilities powered by an onboard Snapdragon XR2 chipset, Somnium eventually pivoted in 2022, transforming it into a purely PC VR headset.
The VR1 features the same 2880×2880 QD-LCD with Mini-LED panels as seen in the Pimax Crystal. These displays offer a contrast ratio of 20,000:1 thanks to local dimming, encompass 100% of the NTSC color gamut, and support refresh rates of 72Hz, 90Hz, and 120Hz, with an “experimental” option for 144Hz. When it comes to brightness, this headset releases 210 nits directly to your eyes, which is nearly double the brightness found in devices like the Meta Quest 3 and Apple Vision Pro.
Paired with these impressive displays are the large dual-element aspheric lenses, which according to Somnium, provide a horizontal field of view of approximately 130 degrees and a vertical field of view of 105 degrees. This is wider than any current VR headset on the market. Although the Pimax “5K” and “8K” offered even wider views, they have since been discontinued and were known for significant distortion at the edges.
This emphasis on expanding the field of view is the reason behind the Somnium VR1’s bulkiness, especially in an era where slimmer pancake lens headsets are becoming the norm.