Crunchyroll, the powerhouse behind many beloved anime series, is branching out with an exciting new venture: a manga reading app set to hit the market. This announcement was made during Sony’s highly anticipated press conference at CES 2025, where a variety of eye-catching updates were shared.
As detailed on Crunchyroll’s website, this upcoming app will be an add-on for premium users, expected to debut later in 2025. Known as Crunchyroll Manga, this app will initially be available on iOS and Android, with plans to introduce web browser support down the line. At the start, it will cater to English-speaking audiences in the US and Canada, with hopes of expanding to additional languages at a later stage. Unfortunately, there are no details yet on when users in other regions might gain access.
Curiously, Crunchyroll has yet to reveal which manga titles will be featured on this app. Big publishers like Viz already offer their own platforms, showcasing popular series such as “Inuyasha” and “Uzumaki,” while the Shonen Jump app grants readers access to titles like “Chainsaw Man” and “Jujutsu Kaisen.” Crunchyroll could collaborate with smaller manga publishers, though many top-tier titles have established homes elsewhere, presenting a competitive challenge.
Previously, Crunchyroll operated a manga service that ended last month. It wasn’t particularly well-received, with limited content drawing criticism. Additionally, the existing anime app often frustrates users with its clunky interface and missing features, creating skepticism about how the new manga app will perform. Crunchyroll’s expansion into the manga arena is not unexpected, but only time will tell if this app becomes a hit among fans.