Halfbrick Studios, in collaboration with Ian Fitz, the original creator of The Thrill of the Fight (2016), has finally rolled out the much-anticipated sequel to their popular boxing simulation game. It’s now available for Early Access on the Quest platform.
This sequel, The Thrill of the Fight 2, has been fully reimagined and is ready for action on a range of Quest headsets, including Quest 2, Quest 3, Quest 3S, and Quest Pro.
While the first game focused primarily on PvE battles, this new installment is making waves right from the start by introducing online PvP boxing—a feature fans have been eagerly awaiting.
In a statement, Halfbrick Studios shared, “In this early phase of release, our focus is on offering multiplayer modes. This gives our community the chance to dive into online play without delay. We’re already working on single-player content and further multiplayer enhancements, which will be introduced over time during our early access phase.”
The studio plans to keep developing through 2025, with promises of competitive AI that boasts dynamic behaviors and appearances, as well as new training modes. Throughout Early Access, players can expect continual updates that will enrich and fine-tune the game’s immersive experience.
For now, players will enjoy features like customizable avatars, an online PvP mode with skill-based matchmaking, and physics that aim to deliver an authentic boxing experience.
An additional feature is the spectator camera, allowing others to tune into your matches with a ‘live sports’ perspective using a connected PC.
The game is available for purchase on the Horizon Store today, with The Thrill of the Fight 2 priced at just $10.