Matt Forbeck, an acclaimed author known for his work on the Marvel Multiverse RPG, has teamed up with his son Marty to bring a fresh tabletop adventure to Minecraft enthusiasts. Titled Minecraft: Roll for Adventure: The Temple of the Charged Creeper, this new addition is available for pre-order and is designed to blend the immersive world of Minecraft with straightforward role-playing mechanics that cater to both new and seasoned players.
As is often the case with major IP-based tabletop games during pre-orders, Penguin Random House has released limited information on the game’s mechanics. The cover showcases a pair of six-sided dice, and the listing mentions that the gamebook comes with "four dice." Additional details include a "removable character sheet" and a "rules reference" to guide your journey, making it suitable for solo players, or if you prefer, you can pass the narrator role to someone else.
The adventure unfolds in a remote village recently besieged by hostile "illagers," familiar foes from the Minecraft universe. Fans may recall them as the main antagonists in Forbeck’s 2020 book Minecraft Dungeons: The Rise of the Arch-Illager. In a style reminiscent of classic Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, players must come to the aid of the besieged villagers by uncovering the mystery behind the Temple of the Charged Creeper and putting an end to the menace.
While Minecraft and Dungeons & Dragons have crossed paths before in ventures like the Lightning Keep adventure aimed at younger audiences, this new journey is a creation from the minds of the Forbecks alone. Matt Forbeck’s extensive resume in producing compelling tabletop games and writing for prominent franchises, including D&D, Minecraft, and more, lends some credibility and anticipation to this release. Only time will tell how well this game resonates with the Minecraft community and tabletop game aficionados when it officially launches in July 2025.
For those eager to dive right into this new adventure, the hardcover version is ready for pre-order on the Penguin Random House website, priced at $20.