OneXPlayer has just rolled out its latest device, the X1 Pro, which boasts a versatile 3-in-1 design driven by AMD’s Strix Point APUs. Coming after models like the F1 Pro and the Ayaneo 3, the X1 Pro stands among the first handheld gadgets using AMD’s Zen 5 Strix Point, making it a formidable contender against GPD’s soon-to-be-released Pocket 4 mini laptops.
The X1 Pro is crafted to function not only as a handheld but also as a laptop and a tablet, echoing the utility of the Pocket 4. It packs the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370, featuring a robust setup of 12 cores (split between four Zen 5 and eight Zen5c) in a dual-CCX arrangement. This is backed by 12MB of L2 cache, along with a hefty 24MB of L3 cache, clocking speeds up to 5.1 GHz. For graphic prowess, the device leans on the Radeon 890M Integrated GPU with 16 Compute Units. The NPU on the HX 370, powered by AMD’s XDNA 2, pushes 50 TOPS in AI capabilities.
Its display is a visual treat, featuring a 10.95-inch 120 Hz LTPS panel at a sharp 2560×1600 resolution. The screen is vibrant, covering 138% of the sRGB color spectrum and reaching a brightness level of 540 nits. Storage options are flexible, ranging from 1TB to 4TB, with read speeds up to 7.1 GB/s and write speeds at 6.5 GB/s, all neatly packed in a 2280 form factor. There’s even room for expanding storage via a MicroSD slot.
As for pricing, the presale offers for the X1 Pro are enticing. The model with HX 370 plus 1TB storage and 32GB RAM comes in at $1,399, going up to $1,799 for the top-tier version with 4TB storage and 64GB RAM. The full retail prices are relatively higher.
The X1 Pro is fueled by a 65.02Wh battery, promising up to eight hours of runtime, although actual usage time will fluctuate; at 28W, you can expect about two hours of power. It includes a 100W Gallium Nitride charger too. For connectivity, it supports Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.2.
To enhance gaming, the device includes hall-effect RGB joysticks designed to minimize stick drift. Its I/O features are comprehensive, with two USB 4.0 ports, an OCuLink interface, a MicroSD card slot, a USB 3.2 Type-A port, and a 3.5mm audio jack.
If you’re eager to get your hands on the X1 Pro, pre-orders are available starting today, with a limited-time discount. Dispatches will kick off on January 3rd, and excitingly, OneXPlayer plans to showcase the X1 Pro alongside other innovations at CES 2025 next month.