Over the past few days, Ayaneo has been busy unveiling more about its upcoming handheld gaming device, the Ayaneo 3. The most exciting feature they’ve introduced is the option to swap out control modules, offering a level of customization in handheld gaming that we’ve rarely seen before. While customization is not unheard of in controllers like the Victrix Pro BFG, seeing it incorporated into handhelds—especially with the inclusion of hall-effect sensors in the analog sticks and triggers—is a delight.
In addition to updating fans via their Tweets and Discord, Ayaneo has put out a video that gives us a closer look at the Ayaneo 3 from different angles, highlighting the versatile control modules. Last time we looked into Ayaneo 3 back in November, we knew it would come in two configurations: the Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 and the Ryzen 7 8840U. However, we’re still waiting on details about pricing and additional tech specs. These missing pieces are expected to fall into place come January when Ayaneo is set to host an official launch event towards the latter part of the month.
The ability to swap and even invert the control modules allows for a tailored gaming experience across various game genres. Whether you’re a fan of six-button fighting games like Street Fighter or someone who enjoys retro Sega console games, the six-face-button module is likely to excite you. For those who prefer games that benefit from a touchpad, this modular design, combined with Steam Input, opens up a more desktop-like experience on a handheld device.
While the Ayaneo 3 promises flexibility, especially for those eyeing a combination of the Ryzen 7 8840U and a 7-inch LCD over an OLED, we can’t yet determine if it will offer real value without knowing the price. What we can say is that it looks like a promising competitor in the high-end handheld market for the coming year, with its strong focus on interchangeable, fine-tuned input controls standing out as a unique selling point.