AEXLAB, the innovative team behind the VR shooter “Vail” (2024), has unveiled a new crowd-investment initiative to help further develop their popular game. The studio has already achieved impressive success, with the multiplayer shooter raking in more than $5.5 million in revenue and attracting over 300,000 unique players on both PC VR and Quest platforms.
Instead of going the usual crowdfunding route, where backers get a product in return for their contributions, this Miami-based company is offering an equity crowd-investment opportunity. They’re hoping to attract investors who’d like to own a piece of AEXLAB by investing in common stock. As they outline on their investment page, individual investors can step in with a minimum investment of $1,000, with the current share price set at $36.52.
It’s important to note that shares in private companies like AEXLAB aren’t easy to sell because they don’t trade on public stock markets. To get a return on such an investment, either the studio would need to be acquired by another company, or it would need to go public—steps that the studio acknowledges could take anywhere from 5 to 10 years, or perhaps longer.
The future of XR (Extended Reality) remains unpredictable, yet it’s evident that AEXLAB is targeting people who are optimistic about rapid growth in this sector. They need investors who believe in AEXLAB’s potential to thrive within this fast-evolving landscape.
In a message brimming with enthusiasm, the studio expressed gratitude to its community: “With your support, we’ve crafted something incredible, and we want to give dedicated members like you a chance to be part of our next chapter. This is your opportunity to join us as we elevate Vail VR to levels once only imaginable.”
How far can “Vail” ascend? Since its dual release on SteamVR and Quest earlier this year, the game has embraced a unique hybrid model, blending free and paid elements. It offers the location called Citadel for free, complete with 1v1 battles and a space for players to explore the game’s diverse systems and weapons. Access to the full range of multiplayer modes comes with a price, and this strategy seems to be resonating with players.
As of now, “Vail” boasts an impressive rating of 4.8 out of 5 on the Horizon Store for Quest, based on feedback from over 13,000 users, and holds a ‘Very Positive’ rating on Steam from more than 2,300 reviews.